Texas Managing Editors

Sharing your innovative ideas at TAPME 2008

The challenges are familiar: Circulation decline, revenue decline, migration to online, shrinking staff and rising demands.

That’s the headline, but dig a little farther and some innovative ideas emerge. At the Texas APME Convention in Galveston March 28-30, you’ll have the chance to hear some of those ideas and meet some of the innovators.

We’d like to hear your success stories, your creative solutions, your innovations. How are the state’s editors coping? What’s working? Who’s innovating?

Please contact Larry Lutz, managing editor development & copy desk at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, with your contributions. He’s especially interested in best practices, innovations and solutions. If you’ve got one you can share, please let him know at llutz@star-telegram or 817-390-7121.

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