Texas Managing Editors

2016 convention schedule

Doubletree El Paso
600 N. El Paso St.
April 8-10

Friday, April 8

4-6 p.m. — Student-Editor Meetings. Cactus Flower Room, 201E, in the Union East, UTEP campus.

6:30-8:30 p.m. — Welcoming Reception, Sky Lounge, 17th Floor, Doubletree Hotel

10 p.m.-Midnight — Hospitality Suite, Voir Dire Room, Doubletree Hotel

Saturday, April 9

8-9 a.m. — Continental breakfast, Sky Lounge

9 a.m. — Welcoming remarks: Sergio Salinas, publisher, El Paso Times

9:05-9:50 a.m. — Digital Forward. It’s an industry buzzword, but how does a digital forward-digital first strategy manifest itself in the modern newsroom? We get some perspectives from the front lines. Panelists: John Bridges, managing editor, Austin American-Statesman; Keith Campbell, deputy managing editor, The Dallas Morning News. Moderator: Dino Chiecchi, managing editor-presentation, the El Paso Times


10-10:50 a.m. — Measuring Success: Using Metrics to Shape Editorial Strategies. How should metrics inform storytelling, and why must all newsrooms learn to understand analytics? Panelists: Andrea Mooney, executive producer of Houston Chronicle’s chron.com; Bro Krift, managing editor, Corpus Christi Caller-Times. Moderator: Jamie Stock-well, managing editor, San Antonio Express-News

11 a.m.-Noon — Maintaining Quality in the Mad, Mad, Mad Digital World. As journalists seek to get news online faster and faster — with fewer and fewer eyes on copy — quality can too often take a backseat to “get it right, get it first.” But consumers still want investi-gative and enterprise reporting. Get tips and ideas for how to carve out time for good journalism that’s compelling and connects with your audience. Panelists: Debbie Hiott, editor, Austin American-Statesman; Becky Cooper, managing editor for content, Victoria Advocate; Maud Beelman, regional news editor, The Asso-ciated Press; Moderator: Diana R. Fuentes, San Antonio Express-News

12:15 p.m. — Awards Luncheon. Sky Lounge

Free Time

6-7 p.m. — Silent Auction and reception, Southwest University Ballpark

7 p.m. — Jack Douglas Dinner. Star awards, college newspaper awards, Jack Doug-las Award presentation, Buster Haas scholarship auction.

Sunday, April 10

8:30-9:30 a.m. — AP Report: Chief of Bureau Dale Leach; Q-and-A with Michael Graczyk, Houston-based reporter.

9:30-10:30 a.m. — Focus on FOI: Ask an Attorney. Experts provide insight into freedom of information issues, including open records and open meetings. It’s also a chance to ask an attorney a question – for free! Panelists: State Sen. Jose Rodriguez, D-El Paso, and attorney J.L. Jay. Moderator: Bob Moore, editor, the El Paso Times


10:30-11:30 a.m. — Covering the Border. The U.S.-Mexican border is a popular political topic once again in the race for the White House. But politics and border realities don’t always mesh. We’ll hear from an editor who knows the challenges firsthand, Bob Moore of the El Paso Times.

11:30 a.m. — Final awards presentations: Star of Star Awards by the Headliners Foundation, Newspaper Awards, AP staff awards and Newspaper of the Year.


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